Answered By: Çiğdem Yıldırım
Last Updated: Feb 14, 2020     Views: 293

All online databases can be accessed from computers located anywhere on the campus. The Library has site license agreements with its online database providers that enable the Library’s users to access them.

If you are affiliated with Koç University, for seamless access to any library Journals and databases during your seach you may use InKUire link or please use the following links.

When click on "off-campus access" links, you will be prompted for your "network name" and "network password". In order to use our many research databases from off campus you must have a Library account. If you don't have please consult the circulation team.

You will be prompted for your "network name" and "network password". In order to use our many research databases from off campus you must have a Library account. If you don't have please consult the circulation team.

You may use VPN services in order to access all e-resources from out side of the campus. Please use the following link to install VPN software, then you will use all e-resources using their normal links. 

If you are not affiliated with Koç University please use the following Link for limited services.